Pet Profile single view | PAWS Chicago

Hello, I'm Leroy

Thank you for everything you guys do. The entire process was easy and everyone we interacted with was amazing. He's really the perfect dog for me and I loved him instantly! 

Leroy's Story

He is very affectionate and has really warmed up to us, I think he thinks he's our baby! He follows me everywhere, sleeps in the bed and is always happy, wagging his tail and trying to give me kisses. He's really so incredibly sweet and loving. He's also still very independent at times, especially at the beach or the dog park... He just kinda walks around, exploring every corner and marking as much territory as he can and is strangely very indifferent towards other dogs and humans, paying much more attention to garbage bins and always looking behind him to make sure we haven't wandered far. 

He LOVES walks. We love letting him lead and take us on adventures. It's probably against all the "rules" but we love to give him freedom to see what he does with it. Basically, Leroy walks us multiple times a day and it makes him very happy. He gets the best reactions from people that meet him. He's just such a unique little dog, everyone loves him and notices his funny little personality. Last weekend, we took him on a long walk along the lakefront and he was affectionately called a "cat-dog," an ewok, a Tasmanian devil and a "not sure what that is but I like him" LOL.

Perhaps the funniest part so far was the day we realized he understood spanish! We started getting suspicious when he didn't react to treat, food, walk, etc. He was also verrrrry interested in the tamale ladies on the way home from one of his vet appts at the foster center... The first time he hear "tratos" his ears perked up and he went totally bonkers! Ever since then, we speak to him in Spanish and repeat it in English and he has been so fun to watch and learn which Spanish words and commands he knows.

Leroy watches me do yoga every day and adds a few downward dogs and upwards dogs of his own. Besides that, he sleeps a lot and snores very loudly! He also loves food and gets only the best, organic food and homemade treats. 

Overall, he's been the best addition to my life. My brother passed away last fall and was such an animal lover, we asked for donations to PAWS in his name. I started fostering with the intent of continuing to do that, in his memory but ended up needing to keep Leroy. From the day I brought him home, he's just been such a sweet happy, loving and grateful little dog... it's impossible to be sad around him and he brings so much happiness and love into every situation, it's really great and I'm very grateful for the work that PAWS does and for helping me find him. He's really the perfect dog for me and I loved him instantly! Thank you for everything you guys do. The entire process was easy and everyone we interacted with was amazing.