Pet Profile single view | PAWS Chicago

Hello, I'm Abbie

We couldn't be happier to have her around, and we feel so indebted to PAWS for bringing her into our lives, and for all the support you have given us along the way. 

Abbie's Story

Abbie has been such a source of joy for us this winter. Her buoyant energy has lifted our spirits on really cold days, and we have taken advantage of the sunny ones to take long walks around  the lake. Over the past month she has really aced her leash game, and has started spending time off-leash in the parks nearby chasing the ball. She interacts well with other dogs we meet--with her characteristic shyness that warms into being an engaged playmate. We've even found, through her, a lovely dog-owners community that meets every morning to let the dogs off leash for an hour before we all go to work. We couldn't be happier to have her around, and we feel so indebted to PAWS for bringing her into our lives, and for all the support you have given us along the way.