Pet Profile single view | PAWS Chicago

Hello, I'm Aggie

Libby is settled in nicely.
She is, by nature, very skittish around people. She likes me if I’m sitting still, loves me if I’m lying down, and absolutely adores me when I’m feeding her. 

Aggie's Story

 Hello, PAWS!

Libby is settled in nicely.
She is, by nature, very skittish around people. She likes me if I’m sitting still, loves me if I’m lying down, and absolutely adores me when I’m feeding her. 
But she loves her new brother Jasper (also a PAWS adoptee) unconditionally. I was prepared to do the usual slow introduction and shut her in my bedroom. Within a couple of hours I was so tired of both if the crying and scratching at the door from both sides that I opened it. 
Instant love-fest. Not a single growl or hiss. I have never in my life seen a cat introduction go that smoothly. 
Thank you for finding her for us!
Sincerely,Rosanne, Jasper, and Libby